Terms Of Use

When ordering Benison’s services you, as “Shipper”, are agreeing, on your behalf with an interest in the Shipment, that the Terms and Conditions shall apply from the time that Benison accepts the Shipment. To entrust shipment to Benison the shipper agrees to all the terms and conditions specified as follow.

Shipper’s obligations

In order to provide its services to Shipper must fill in each article of air waybill accurately with Shipper and consignee’s address, name and phone number, detailed description of goods and special instructions of its concerning delivery. It is the responsibility of the shipper to ensure that proper packaging is used and that contents are adequately and securely packed for transportation. The document for customs clearance should be furnished by shipper. Shipper agrees not to claim Benison for any damages, liability or expense arising from the shipper’s failure to comply with any applicable law or regulations.


Benison will re-measure and re-weight to confirm calculation for ensure actual volumetric weight that was given by shipper. The shipper shall be solely liable for all costs and expenses related to the shipment and incurred in either returning the shipment to the shipper or warehousing the shipment pending disposition.


Benison has the right, but not the obligation, to open and inspect a shipment without notice to the shipper.


Shipper agrees that its Shipment is acceptable for transportation and is deemed unacceptable if: it is classified any dangerous goods, hazardous material, prohibited or restricted articles by IATA(International Air Transport Association),ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), any applicable government department or other relevant organization no customs declaration is made when required by applicable customs regulations; or Benison decides it cannot be transported an item safely or legally ( such as Non renewable contract, manuscript, document Live animal, carcass, cash, credit card, promissory notes, check, and negotiable securities, firearms, explosives, flammable materials ,narcotics, illegal drugs.


Shipments cannot be delivered to PO box or postal codes. Shipments to addresses with a central receiving area will be delivered to that area. If Consignee refuses delivery or to pay for delivery, or the Shipment is deemed to be unacceptable, or it has been undervalued for customs purposes, or consignee cannot be reasonably identified or located, Benison shall attempt to notify to arrange for the return of Shipment to Shipper at Shipper's cost, Shipper shall pay all return charges, duties, taxes, storage charges, disposal charge etc.

LIABILITIES not assumed

Benison shall not liable for any loss, damage or delay arising out of circumstances beyond Benison as carrier’s control including : natural disasters, weather conditions, mechanical delays, riot, war, strikes, labor disputes, all the acts or omissions of the shipper, consignee or any other party related to the shipment including the violation of any terms & conditions hereof, improper or insufficient packing, securing, marking etc.
